Saturday, July 31, 2010

Freelancing and Fun Day

Yay, it's Saturday. Oh, wait. I still had to get up just as early and I still had a full day of workouts. Today started out with what they call a "bus to lounge" exercise. It's a pretty complex five or six block route. You start at the bus and leave individually at three-minute intervals. And you proceed down to the downtown lounge, which is really just a building with a couple of waiting rooms in it. On this route, we encountered all kinds of dogs, not intentionally planted dogs by the instructors, just dogs. And several ill mannered ones. The Prius reared it's ugly head again; it tried to run us over and then beeped at us. It wasn't really going to run us over. :-) But it did blare it's horn a lot this time.

After that workout, we got to do our very first freelance, which is basically when you get to go out on a route on your own. This time an instructor went with us, but she gave us no direction other than where the shop was. We did very well. We went to the knitting store, not because I've taken up knitting but because my friends were going there. You see, Trishna and I are all about the community.

Finally, today was Fun Day on the campus. So between workouts, I got a chance to go out amidst hundreds of puppy raisers to find several of my puppy club members, including Heather. It was nice to see them. I only had a few minutes during the middle of the day, but I also had a chance to have dinner with Ron, Shirley, Mary G. and Heather, of course, to regale them (i.e., monopolize the conversation) with stories about Trisha. Thanks for coming everyone; it was a nice diversion.

Oh, I almost forgot; we got to do something fun this afternoon. We just went for a hike. The dogs got to walk on a dirt trail with us. We didn't have to learn special commands. We just got walk and be with our dogs. Tomorrow is a day off for the most part. But I do get to go learn how to do doggy massage, so I'm excited about that. Trishna's excited too. We're off to play in the paddock for a while. It's the end of a very nice day.

1 comment:

  1. Mary, It sounds like you had a fantastic day! Thinking of you, gina
