Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Moving Forward

Today, for the first time in over three years, I picked up a harness handle with a four-legged furry friend inside it. And I remembered the feelings of being graceful, fast, and confident. I wondered to myself, why did I wait so long?

I could give you a million reasons for why I waited, all of which are true: I wanted to keep Stacey as a retired Guide. She retired just before I got married, etc. Time flew, and years have passed, but the magic is still the same. So here's my day, the first day with Trishna as a working Guide.

Morning, as all mornings here do, started out at 5:30, getting myself up and coherent, feeding and relieving Trishna, having breakfast, and so on. Our day started after breakfast at about 8 o'clock. Every morning, we put the dogs through an obedience routine, which consists of a series of Sits and Downs. I call them doggy push-ups. And then, we do some Stays and formal recall (which is a Stay to a Heel). Then we had our first food distraction. I must say, Trishna did a very good job of ignoring the instructor trying to feed her a cracker. (She knows when she's being set up!).

Then the day really began. I got to put the harness on her for the first time and go for a walk. After a quick bus trip downtown, I found myself standing in a doorway ready to head out on our first walk. Now, please remember that my first walk with Stacey was a combination of feeling like I was flying and being dragged, sort of like water skiing but less smooth. I have to tell you, after three years, for the first minute or so, the feelings were very similar. Trishna has a nice, strong pull into the harness. Then we got our stride, and we were off!

She took me around poles, low walls, and other obstacles seamlessly. And that is where the grace and magic happens. She stopped at every curb and let me know about every obstacle. Good girl, Trishna.

Then it was back to campus for lunch and a vet lecture. Basically, we talked about not letting your dog get fat and not letting them get heartworms. So, just so you know, no overfeeding, and give them a pill once a month. Then the afternoon workout. This workout was much like the morning, only longer with more distractions. Yes, everyone, Trishna is still a dog, and she is dog distracted. So any of you with pups, we will be enlisting you and your dogs to walk past me for the next few months.

The highlight (or lowlight?), of my workout was the fact that I got stopped on the street with my trainer by some gentleman with an unruly dog. See above to imagine Trishna's behavior at this moment. He wanted to know if he could buy my harness for his friend. Just in case you were wondering, the answer is "no."

After the workouts, back to campus for feeding, relieving, and grooming, and the evening lecture. Which is actually not a lecture tonight, it's yoga. Not for the dogs, for me. :-)

I was going to get a picture of us working in harness today, but because we have to take turns one-on-one with an instructor, it takes a little longer. So pictures will come when they start to give less individual attention, and people have time for photos.

So while not as exciting as Dog Day, it was pretty amazing nonetheless. For me, this is the truly magical day, because it's fun and exciting to get the dog, but it is an immensely empowering feeling to actually work the dog.

We've been told we're doing very well, and I got a huge compliment today. My trainer told me that Trishna was actually ready to go a few classes ago, but she needed just the right handler who will be consistent and strong. I'm incredibly humbled by that, and I hope we can live up to the expectations.


  1. Mary! I love this blog! I am glad you had such a fantastic day with Trishna! She sounds like she is going to be a fantastic guide!
    Big hugs!

  2. Mary - Sounds like everything is going great! Trishna is beautiful, can't wait to meet her and see you on Sunday! Keep up all the hard work and long days! I love this blog as well...keeps me updated!!


  3. Oh Mary!
    We are so very verklempt! Trishna is beautifu1!

    Jim and Ross

  4. Ditto Mary- I cannot wait for a family photo :) Tell Heather and Trishna Jack and I say hi.

