Friday, July 30, 2010

Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!

Don't let me fool you. Trishna and I were not lost in space today; we actually did very well. This morning was traffic check morning (i.e., students and dogs go out on routes, and instructors try to run us over). And they try to run us over with every blind person's nemesis: THE PRIUS. I'm not kidding; there were a couple times that I did not hear it.

Basically, they send you on a three-block route, where the car has to turn left in front of you, back up into you, block the entire sidewalk, rev its engine next to you, and finally turn behind you while you're making a street crossing. In many of these situations, Trishna performed something called selective disobedience. She will back up in harness, which is something that she only does if there's danger. She will stop and not move if that's what she needs to do, and much more.

We did very well. We only made one mistake, and we recovered when the car started backing into us.

In the afternoon, we did escalator work. This is where Trishna has to wear special dog booties, that she would also wear if it's extremely hot outside so that her feet don't burn. She would like you all to know that she does not like them. They do not match either her or her accessories. But she says, if we must use them, we must.

Finally, tonight will be the ear cleaning and teeth brushing lecture. Yay.

By the way, Heather has met Trishna. They seem to like each other very much. Be jealous. Be very, very jealous. But remember, you did not bring me extra clothes, a twelve-pack of Diet Coke, and crackers. Yes, I do feel like I'm at summer camp. The food is too good for prison.


  1. Hey I almost got run over by a Demon Prius once , they are dangerous and should be removed from the earth!

  2. I don't know how I feel about non-matching doggie booties. an outrage.
