Thursday, July 22, 2010


Greetings all.

This is my first post of the Guide Dog adventure. Not so much an adventure yet, because really, I'm still doing laundry, finishing up work, and not nearly through my to-do list. Mostly, with this first post, I want to share with you that I'm very excited. I've had several discussions with instructors on what kind of dog I would like and my lifestyle, and I've listened to all of my class lectures in advance. (Go me! I didn't even do this in college.)

I also find myself remembering May 23, 1997, which was the exact day I received my first Guide Dog, Stacey. She was a very excited German Shepherd who jumped on my lap and licked my ears. And that was the day that our twelve-year relationship began. I guess my excitement is tempered a bit by some very natural apprehension. Will this dog be as good? Will I love it as much? Will I actually remember the exact date that I receive it thirteen years from now?

I truly believe that the answer to all of these questions is "yes." The staff at Guide Dogs are experts. And let's face it; they matched me really well the first time. So I'm going to trust that magic will happen again.

I hope you all will enjoy the next two weeks. I know I will learn a lot, and I hope you will too.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize she jumped in your lap and licked your ears.

    I bet she knew you needed to feel safe.

    I know you will work well with Trishna. Its a new time for you. How exciting!
